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What To Do During a DUI Stop – Part 2

This is Part 2 of our “What To Do During a DUI Stop” series. If you haven’t read Part 1 of this series, CLICK HERE. “Please step out of the car, sir,” is a phrase that a driver should understand as “You are going to jail.” Any time an officer suspects that a driver may be impaired by alcohol, illegal drugs, legal drugs or anything else, once the officer asks a driver to step out of the car, the driver needs to be prepared to go to jail, and give that officer as little evidence as possible that the driver is impaired. If the driver’s hand touches...

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What To Do During A DUI Stop – Part 1

If you are driving and you may have been out enjoying, and you notice the blue and red lights of a friendly police car behind you, what should you do? First, pull over as soon as possible. Park in a legal parking spot. Ideally this will be in a well lit and level parking lot. Have your license, registration and insurance card ready to hand to the officer. In almost all DUI reports the officer will state that the Defendant fumbled with their paperwork, or was unable to locate the documents in a timely fashion. One of the things that most people do not realize is that an officer is under...

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