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Collaborative Family Law

A Better Way to Resolve Divorce in Florida

Divorce can be an overwhelming experience, impacting every aspect of your life. However, there is a way to approach this challenging time with respect and a focus on positive outcomes. Collaborative law offers a unique process that allows couples to work together, with the assistance of trained professionals, to reach an amicable resolution without the stress and cost of litigation. Adam R. Cowhey of Cowhey + Ward, is here to guide you through this cooperative approach, ensuring that your rights are protected and your future is secured.

What is Collaborative Law?

Collaborative family law in Florida is a method of resolving family law disputes outside of the courtroom. In a collaborative divorce, both spouses work together with their attorneys and other professionals, such as financial advisors, to reach mutually beneficial agreements. This process emphasizes open communication, transparency, and a commitment to finding solutions that work for everyone involved, especially when children are involved.

Why Choose Collaborative Family Law for Your Divorce?

Collaborative law provides a less adversarial approach to divorce, which can significantly reduce the emotional toll on parties involved.

Some of the key benefits of collaborative law include:

  • Control Over the Outcome: Collaborative family law allows both parties to have a direct say in the outcomes.
  • Privacy: Collaborative divorce keeps your personal matters out of the public record, allowing for a more private resolution.
  • Preserving Relationships: This process encourages respectful communication, which can help maintain a more amicable relationship between spouses.

Areas Addressed in Collaborative Divorce

  • Division of Property: This practice ensures a fair distribution of assets, debts, and property, taking into consideration each party’s needs and interests.
  • Alimony: Working together, parties can agree on fair alimony arrangements, considering factors like the duration of the marriage, financial contributions, and future earning potential.
  • Parenting Plans and Time Sharing: Collaborative law places a high priority on the well-being of children, allowing parents to create a customized plan that focuses on the best interests of their children.

Adam Cowhey is committed to protecting your rights and helping you achieve the best possible outcome in your divorce. By choosing a collaborative approach, you can navigate your divorce with dignity, preserve important relationships, and lay the foundation for a positive future.

If you are considering divorce and want to explore the benefits of collaborative law, contact Adam R. Cowhey at Cowhey + Ward in Tallahassee. If your spouse is considering a collaborative lawyer in the area, explore your options and discover how collaborative law can benefit you by visiting Capital Collaborative Group. Together, we can help you find a peaceful resolution that meets your needs and protects your interests.

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