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Plea Bargains For DUI: the Benefits and Risks

The Benefits and Risks of Accepting a Plea Bargain in Your Florida DUI Case

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If a Florida law enforcement agency has arrested you for driving under the influence (DUI) of alcohol and drugs, your mind will undoubtedly roil with numerous questions as your first court date approaches. Some of the most likely questions you’ll internally debate include:
Understanding Underage DUI in Florida

Understanding Underage DUI in Florida

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The state of Florida has 0.02% tolerance for underage driving under the influence (DUI) of alcohol. That is, 0.02% is the blood alcohol concentration (BAC) threshold set by the state’s “zero-tolerance” underage DUI laws. Drivers under the age of 21 with a BAC exceeding 0.02% face an immediate administrative driver’s license suspension for a minimum […]
Child Visitation Refusal

What to do When Your Child Refuses Visitation

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The emotional turmoil common with divorce typically subsides once it becomes finalized. However, divorcing couples with children may face ongoing and future turmoil relating to child custody. Whether developed by the parents or family court, parenting agreements designed to conform to Florida Statute 61.13—“Support of children; parenting and time-sharing”—must account for the best interest of […]
prenuptial agreements

We’re Head Over Heels in Love: Why Should We Get a Prenup?

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“We have the greatest prenuptial agreement in the world. It’s called love.” —Gene Perret
Florida Violent Crime Law

How Violent Crimes are Classified and Sentenced Under Florida Law

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Violent crime rates are on the rise in Tallahassee, according to Tallahassee Police Department incident reports. A tabulation of these incidents by online watchdog Tallahassee Reports determined that local police investigated 1,295 violent criminal offenses in 2023, a 13.6% increase over 2022’s 1,104 number.
misconceptions and myths about alimony

Debunking Eight Common Myths About Alimony in Florida Divorce Law

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If you have long thought that alimony is a permanent condition of divorce, you might be surprised to learn that “permanent” alimony in Florida is the rarest form of spousal support that courts can award in a divorce. And, as of July 2023, the permanence of this category ended with the legislative passage of SB […]

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