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Common Misconceptions Concerning Divorce

| Adam Cowhey | ,
People enter divorce proceedings with preconceived notions of their rights, or lack of them, and of what happens regarding assets, debts, alimony, child custody and child support. Three of the more common misconceptions are discussed here. 1. Mothers by default get full custody rights to the children. Years ago, the courts did tend to favor […]

The Benefits of Mediation and Counseling

| Adam Cowhey | ,
Marital strife is stressful and can affect your work, children and other relationships. Few marriages are perfect and most go through periods when stress levels are high, such as when couples are experiencing financial difficulties, or a child is having developmental problems or issues at school or with the law, or a partner is having […]

The Steps to Get a Divorce In Florida

Florida is a no-fault divorce state, meaning you do not have to demonstrate grounds for a divorce or prove fault such as abandonment or neglect, but only that the marriage is irretrievably broken or that one party is mentally incapacitated. A divorce from a short-term marriage with little or no marital property and no minor […]

Florida’s “Best Interest” Factors in Determining Parenting

When marriages dissolve and the parents of minor children cannot agree on which parent shall have physical and/or legal custody or if there should be a joint custody arrangement, the court will determine parental responsibility and custody/visitation based on what is in the best interests of the child. But what exactly does that mean for […]

How A Divorce Can Impact Your Children

Divorces are traumatic for everyone no matter how bad the relationship turned out to be. If you have children, research consistently shows that the children suffer as well. Children have high expectations for their parents to meet all their needs and fully expect that they will do so. When the parents separate or divorce, their […]

The Advantages of a Pre-Nuptial Agreement

Prenuptial agreements (also known as ante-nuptial agreements, or premarital agreements) are contracts between marrying couples that outline what will become of their assets/debts if the marriage dissolves, along with other potential issues such as alimony, attorney’s fees, etc. Most prenuptial agreements are favored by wealthy parties who do not want their considerable assets to be […]

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