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Alimony in Florida

Your Guide to Alimony in Florida Divorce Law

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Undergoing a divorce can become one of the most stressful periods of a person’s life. The emotional turmoil of ending a marriage is compounded by the legal complexities inherent in property division, child custody, child support, and alimony. An experienced divorce lawyer can help ease some of the stress by addressing these legal complexities on […]
drug possession

Understanding a “Possession” Charge in the State of Florida

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While some parts of the country have taken moves to decriminalize or decrease penalties for possessing small quantities of illegal drugs, the state of Florida continues to take a hardline approach to drug possession. Most illicit drugs fall under categories that carry felony criminal charges for possession. Depending upon the drug type and amount, those […]
Child Custody

Florida Child Custody Proceedings—How Children’s Preferences May Affect the Outcome

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Among the numerous challenges that arise when a couple separates or divorces, the issue of child custody often proves the most contentious. Splitting up the furniture and other possessions is difficult enough, but the powerful emotional bond between parent and child can make child custody decisions exceptionally tumultuous.
Theft types

Understanding the Different Types of Theft and Their Legal Consequences in Florida

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Theft is one of the most frequently reported crimes in Florida. According to statistics compiled by the Florida Department of Law Enforcement, it results in the third-highest number of arrests in the state. Florida statutes broadly define theft as the act of obtaining, using, or trying to use the property of another with the intent […]
DUI Hit and Run

What Are the Consequences of a DUI Hit and Run in Florida?

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Florida laws mandate severe penalties for those convicted of driving under the influence (DUI) of alcohol and/or drugs. A conviction may result in potential loss of driver’s license, fines, community service, mandatory substance abuse counseling, ignition interlock requirements, and other possible penalties, including a jail term. Such punishment can certainly disrupt your life, but if […]
Probation Violation

Understanding the Consequences of Probation Violation in Florida

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If you are one of the nearly 150,000 Floridians on probation, you are probably thankful that you are not one of the 80,000 or so inmates serving time in the state’s correctional institutions. Nevertheless, you are still under the supervision of the Florida Department of Corrections and subject to imprisonment and/or other penalties if you […]

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