Family Law
Representing You before the Florida Unified Family Court
In addition to guiding you through divorce proceedings, the right Florida family lawyer can advise you about many other related situations. Adam R. Cowhey, P.A., Attorney & Counselor, will protect your rights in any matters regarding domestic and family law.
Protecting Your Rights in Florida Family Court

As a member of the Florida Family Law Rules Committee, Mr. Cowhey is always up-to-date regarding any changes in the laws. Whatever your family law concern, he will help you understand your rights and protect them. Mr. Cowhey will personally handle every aspect of your family law case, such as:
Relocation: Section 61.13001, Florida Statutes, outlines the process and procedures parents must comply with in hopes of relocation with their minor child(ren). In fact, relocations are very common today due to the tough economic times. Florida law requires the courts to utilize a long list of factors to determine whether a relocation is in the minor child(ren)’s best interest. Mr. Cowhey will lead you through each step of the relocation process.
Prenuptial Agreements: When getting married no one wants to think about the possibility of divorce down the road. However, sometimes a “prenup” is a reasonable precaution to take because of complications that the comingling of assets during marriage can cause in the event of a divorce. Prenuptial agreements are most common with people who enter a marriage with a large number of valuable assets. It is important to protect your rights, especially if you have many personal assets, own a business, or are entering a second marriage.
Postnuptial Agreements: A postnuptial agreement is very similar in theory to a prenuptial agreement. The major difference is that this type of contract is executed after the marriage. Just like a “prenup”, a post marital agreement is useful in protecting one spouse’s assets, business (es), etc., from the other spouse in the event of a divorce. Sometimes a postnuptial agreement can ease the stress of a marriage, and can resolve issues that might cause a divorce if not otherwise addressed. A postnuptial agreement can also serve to significantly reduce the cost and stress of a litigated divorce.
Paternity: In the past, blood testing was used to prove if a man was the father of a child, but with questionable accuracy. Today DNA testing is used to prove paternity, and with a much higher success rate (close to 99%). Mr. Cowhey will facilitate these DNA tests and represent parents in any type of paternity case. DNA testing is most frequently used by mothers, but Mr. Cowhey also represents fathers who want to support their child but are being rebuked by mothers who want to restrict their paternal rights and parenting time. Paternity issues can also involve negotiating visitation, child custody, and child support agreements.
Modifications of divorce orders: When a couple separates, divorce agreements and court orders are established in regards to child custody, visitation, child support, and/or alimony. As time passes, the original terms of your divorce may no longer be circumstantially prudent. If this is the case, a modification of divorce orders may be appropriate. Mr. Cowhey can help you modify the original terms of your divorce agreement if a substantial change in circumstances has occurred. Rest assured that these modifications will always take into consideration the best interests of your children. If you feel you have a justified reason to modify a portion of your divorce agreement, Adam Cowhey is here to work with you.
Enforcements: Mr. Cowhey will represent you in enforcing the terms of your final judgment of dissolution of marriage or other family law order. Most violations of divorce orders involve child support (and/or alimony order or agreement), custody, and visitation. Failing to pay child support, or blocking visitation access to one’s child are both enforceable violations that can be dealt with in the Florida courts. Your enforcement attorney, Adam Cowhey, can guide you through this process, and help decide which options are worth pursuing.
Dependency actions: When the Department of Children and Families files a petition against parents for abuse or neglect, Mr. Cowhey aggressively defends the parent’s rights against the Department of Children and Families (DCF).
Temporary custody: When a child’s parent is unable to care for him or her, Mr. Cowhey can help relatives of the child obtain a court order for temporary custody.
Contested adoptions: When you want to bring a child into your family, Mr. Cowhey will aggressively work to achieve your goal.
Additionally, Mr. Cowhey represents many clients in divorce proceedings each year. He has extensive experience handling complex divorces in which clients have a lot at stake.
Restraining orders and domestic violence injunctions: If you are experiencing violence or harassment in your home, you should know that you do have rights. Mr. Cowhey will help you protect yourself.
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