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Why do Florida Divorce Rates Increase in January?

The Christmas and New Year holidays are now behind us, which means Florida divorce lawyers are gearing up for a busy new year. Given that Florida has the sixth highest divorce rate in the country, Florida divorce attorneys tend to keep busy throughout the year. However, divorce attorneys nationwide refer to January as “divorce month” because it is marked by a significant increase in divorce filings and inquiries from clients interested in exploring divorce options.

The divorce lawyers at Tallahassee’s Cowhey + Ward Attorneys are certainly familiar with this dynamic, noting that their practice typically receives more requests for initial divorce consultations in January than any other month. Client interest in divorce tends to continue into February and March, while an increase in divorce inquiries and filings is also evident in August. Let’s explore reasons for the increased interest in divorce during January and highlight some other elements of divorce timing.

December Holidays Influence Divorce Timing

A primary factor causing the surge in divorce interest in January is related to the November-December holiday season. Couples who are already experiencing marital strife or a spouse who is contemplating divorce will often delay taking any action until after the holidays. For many people, getting through the holiday season is inherently stressful, so they’re not going to add to the stress by initiating divorce. Additionally, few people will purposely disrupt what is supposed to be a happy time, and couples with children want to ensure the best for their holiday joy.

On the other hand, the holiday season can amplify existing marital tensions. Because couples usually spend more time with each other during the season, they may be forced to address more of the underlying issues that create the marital tension. Ongoing financial problems may prove more heated due to the holiday costs of gift-giving, travel, and entertaining. Holiday festivities do not go as planned, and unrealistic expectations for creating the perfect holiday celebrations can exasperate existing marital strife or give rise to new conflicts between the couple.

Last, for many people, the New Year represents a time of self-reflection, during which they assess their lives and contemplate life-betterment goals, which may include making significant changes to personal relationships. The New Year can stimulate a “fresh start” mindset that can spur a person to take action to escape from what they believe is an unhappy situation—i.e., their marriage.

Divorce Filings Also High in March and August

While the number of Florida divorce filings and initial client-lawyer divorce consultations are generally highest in January, divorce filing numbers are also high in the months of March and August. In fact, research suggests that divorce filings in some states tend to peak in March. A University of Washington study of its state’s divorce filing numbers over 15 years determined that filing numbers peaked in March, with a secondary peak in August. Researchers attributed the high number of Washington divorce filings in March—which is also evident in Florida—to spouses using the months of January and February to consult with divorce lawyers, gather necessary documents, and conduct other prep work before formally filing.

The August peak in divorce filings—evident nationwide—can likely be attributed to similar dynamics relating to January’s peak. That is, spouses with marital difficulties delay initiating divorce to prevent potential disruptions to summertime fun or are just too busy with summertime activities.

Should You Factor in Timing with Your Potential Divorce?

If marital issues are raising the specter of divorce between you and your spouse, there is no perfect time to initiate the process. Instead, the best time to consult with a Florida divorce attorney is when you have exhausted other options like marriage counseling, and you feel emotionally and practically prepared to discuss your divorce options. Whether you feel ready in November, January, or some other month, you should consult a divorce lawyer then. Your lawyer can help you determine how to best navigate the divorce process to account for any sensitive timing issues like the holidays. An initial consultation doesn’t need to formally initiate the process, but instead helps set you up for a smoother path forward.

Trust Cowhey + Ward For Expert Divorce Services in Tallahassee

With its stress and potential impacts on finances and future well-being, seek legal representation if you are contemplating the dissolution of your marriage with divorce. With a stellar reputation for successfully navigating their Tallahassee-area clients through divorce, Cowhey + Ward’s Adam Cowhey is committed to securing favorable outcomes for his clients, whether through negotiations or divorce court. To help take the stress out of your impending divorce, contact our Tallahassee-based office today at (850) 222-1000.

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